The new chairman of the FCC was a top lawyer at Verizon. Now he's calling for a vote to kill net neutrality. We’re protesting at retail stores across the U.S. to demand that Congress stop Verizon’s puppet FCC from destroying the Internet as we know it.

Check out photos from December 7th net neutrality protests across the country here.
3-Page Guide for Executing a Dec. 7th Net Neutrality Protest.

What’s happening?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is expected to vote on its plan to kill net neutrality on December 14. People from across the political spectrum are outraged, so we’re planning to protest at Verizon retail stores across the country on December 7, one week before the vote and at the peak of the busy Holiday shopping season. We'll demand that our members of Congress take action to stop Verizon's puppet FCC from killing net neutrality.

What’s net neutrality?

Net neutrality is the basic principle that has made the Internet into what it is today. It prevents big Internet Service Providers (like Verizon) from charging extra fees, engaging in censorship, or controlling what we see and do on the web by throttling websites, apps, and online services.

Why Verizon stores?

The new chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, is a former top lawyer for Verizon, and the company has been spending millions on lobbying and lawsuits to kill net neutrality so they can gouge us all for more money. By protesting at Verizon stores, we’re shining light on the corruption and demanding that our lawmakers do something about it. Only Congress has the power to stop Verizon's puppet FCC, so at the protests we'll be calling and tweeting at legislators, and in some cities we'll be protesting right in front of their offices.


Ajit Pai is clearly still working for Verizon, not the public. But he still has to answer to Congress. So we’re calling on our lawmakers to do their job overseeing the FCC and speak out against Ajit Pai’s plan to gut Title II net neutrality protections and give Verizon and other giant ISPs everything on their holiday wishlist. 


Click here and you’ll find an interactive map where you can see if there is already a protest planned near you. If not, you can sign up to host one, and we’ll send you materials to make it easy and help you recruit others in your area. These protests will be quick, fun, and 100% legal. If you can’t attend a protest on December 7th, you can still help defend net neutrality by calling your lawmakers and spreading the word on social media. You can also sign up to host a meeting with your members of Congress, or volunteer for our texting team to help turn people out for these protests.

Preparing for your protest:

This protest guide gives you an idea of how the protest should go. Print this flyer and bring as many copies as you can to hand out to passers-by and any media that show up.

Remember to gather everyone together and take a group photo of your protest. Tweet the photo with the hashtag #StopTheFCC at your members of the House and Senate. Send photos immediately to so we can amplify them online.

Want even more help preparing for your protest? Check out this detailed, step-by-step toolkit.
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